Installing new pavers on your premises is, no doubt, exciting! From the driveways to the walkways to the pool deck- You can transform the entire look like a MAGIC! But after a certain time, you need to think of sealing the pavers to keep the look intact. Make sure you source the best paver sealing company in Pembroke Pines to do so!

But you may have never thought of asking questions regarding it. Still, it’s better to ask these smart questions discussed here to the paving contractors for the best results. And today’s post may help you with that!

paver sealing company

What to Ask a Paver Sealing Company before the Project Kicks Off

Most homeowners think sealing the pavers is just a job of a few hours. So, asking questions may be unnecessary, but it’s not! Asking the smart questions mentioned below can help you ideate paver sealing in detail. Such as:

How long should I wait to seal the new pavers?

If you have just installed new pavers on your driveways, walkways, patios, or pool deck, you better wait for at least two to three months. It’s essential to let efflorescence work to the surface and get cleaned off. And the more the pavers get wet, the faster that gets done! However, the wait can differ depending on the time of the year.

How long should I stay off the pavers after sealing?

If you have sealed the pavers of your walkways, you better prevent foot traffic at least three to four hours after the process. And if it’s the driveway pavers, staying off the vehicles for a couple of days is advisable. While sealing the patio pavers, you can put the furniture back by the following day.

Can the sealer get into my pool while sealing the pool deck?

While using professional paver sealers to seal your pool deck, the experts ensure to prevent as much dirt as best possible from getting into the pool. But yes, sand or loose dirt can get there! That’s why it’s advisable to swim in the pool by the following day once the sealing process is done.


Best Paving Contractors to Work Within Pembroke Pines

Paver Seal Doctor Services is a renowned professional paver sealing company in Pembroke Pines. They offer paver sealing of driveways, patios, building entrances, and more common areas on the residential and commercial premises. Head over to for more info!

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